ARCHIVED: What are some common Trumpet newsreader problems and their solutions?

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Below are some common Trumpet newsreader problems and their solutions:

  • A common problem is that batching of the XHDR commands doesn't work with some NNTP servers. The symptom is that wintrump hangs when scanning the newsgroup. To fix it, add the command line option -nobatch.
  • When running under NetWare, wintrump will attempt to use the maildir, and the setup parameters will be read-only. This is a security feature which you can disable by using the -disable_nw command line option. Wintrump then reverts to a stand-alone setup.
  • If standard winpkt won't receive MTU packets of 1500 bytes, use the version distributed with wintrump.
  • XHDR is not implemented on some news servers. The symptom is that wintrump gives the error "500 Command not implemented" or something similar. To avoid this, you must fix the NNTP server; it will help other newsreaders to function more efficiently.

This information comes from the README.TXT file packaged with the TRUMPET.EXE self extracting archive.

This is document aeuc in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 09:31:27.