ARCHIVED: At IU, how do I post to a Usenet newsgroup using email?

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

Note: UITS has retired the Indiana University Usenet servers (,, and As a result, you can no longer access Usenet newsgroups from these servers. Also, local (IU) newsgroups are no longer available.

At Indiana University, you can post to Usenet newsgroups via email by using the newsgroup name as the username, and as the rest of the address. For example, to post a test message to the newsgroup iu.test, send a message to:

This method does not allow you to post a properly threaded follow-up, but it will allow you to cross-post (that is, to post a message to several newsgroups at once). To do this, list multiple newsgroups on the "To:" line of your mail message, separated by commas.

UITS recommends that you cross-post rather than posting to each newsgroup separately. Cross-posting saves server space and prevents duplication for individual users.

This is document afhd in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 10:06:11.