Connect to the IU wireless network in openSUSE

eduroam is replacing IU Secure as the default wireless network for students, faculty, staff, and affiliates on all IU campuses. IU Secure is no longer available in the residence halls, and all new wireless connections should use eduroam; see Connect to eduroam.
The eduroam and IU Secure authentication servers use USERTrust RSA as their root certificate authority. You need a valid USERTrust RSA root certificate in Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) format to connect to either network. The certificate is commonly installed on most devices by default.

The simplest and most secure way to connect to eduroam is to use the Eduroam Network Setup Tool. Alternatively, you can use the instructions below to connect manually.

To connect to eduroam or IU Secure:

  1. In the lower right corner, right-click the KNetworkManager globe icon, select New connection, and then select wlan0 (or the interface name of your wireless adapter).
  2. From the list of available wireless networks, select the network name (either eduroam or IU Secure), and then select Next.
  3. In the "Connections" window:
    • For "Security", select WPA Enterprise Under EAP.
    • For "Method", select PEAP.
    • For "Identity", enter your primary IU email address if you are using eduroam, or your IU username if you are using IU Secure. Next to "Password:", enter your IU passphrase.
    • For "CA Certificate", browse to the certificate bundle file (/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem).
    • Under "Phase 2", for "Method", select MSCHAPV2.
  4. If you want your computer to automatically connect to the network when it's in range, select Next until you see the final screen. Check Autoconnect, and then select Connect & Save.

    Otherwise, select Connect & Save without selecting Next.

After successfully connecting, you should see the KNetworkManager globe icon change to a signal strength meter.

At Indiana University, for personal or departmental Linux or Unix systems support, see Get help for Linux or Unix at IU.

This is document axsw in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-13 15:30:30.