Manage your IU List's visibility in the list index

If you want people to be able to subscribe themselves to your IU List mailing list using the web interface, in addition to setting the list subscription settings appropriately (see Change how people may subscribe to an IU List mailing list), you'll need to allow them to find it in the index of lists. The index of lists is public, but you can set your list to only be visible to logged-in IU users, if you wish.

Only list owners can perform the actions described below.
  1. Log into the campus IU List website for your list:
    Campus IU List web interface
    IU Bloomington
    IU Indianapolis
    IU Columbus
    IU East
    IU Kokomo
    IU Northwest
    IU South Bend
    IU Southeast
  2. Select My lists, and choose the name of a list.

  3. Under "List Configuration", select Modify list subject and visibility.
  4. Under "Visibility of the list", select among the following options from the drop-down list:
    • conceal except for subscribers
    • IU visible only (only users logged in with an IU email address will see the list)
    • no conceal
    • conceal even for subscribers (the list will not show up in the list, except for owners or moderators of the list)
  5. If desired, you can assign topics to the list, for potential subscribers who browse by category, by selecting one or more options under "Topics for the list".
  6. To save your changes, select Apply modifications.

This is document bbvz in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-19 16:57:12.