Remove bouncing subscribers in IU List

Indiana University will be transitioning to a single email domain,, between now and the end of 2025. For more about the transition, see One Mail. For details about the impact to IU List specifically, see Changes to IU List from the One Mail initiative. For general actions you may need to take, see Prepare for One Mail at IU.
Only list owners can perform the actions described below.

If your list has a high percentage of bouncing subscribers, IU List will notify you that you should examine your list for bouncing mail addresses. Note that the report may be a false alarm, due to network outages or other circumstances.

  1. Log into the campus IU List website for your list:
    Campus IU List web interface
    IU Bloomington
    IU Indianapolis
    IU Columbus
    IU East
    IU Kokomo
    IU Northwest
    IU South Bend
    IU Southeast
  2. Select My lists, and choose the name of a list.

  3. Select List Configuration, and then select Bounces.

Under "Manage bouncing list members", mark these subscribers' checkboxes and select Delete selected email addresses to remove them.

Depending on your list settings, you may also be notified if individual subscribers are bouncing repeatedly (expressed as a "bounce score"). To modify bounce management, select the Edit List Config menu and choose Bounces to view or modify these settings. To save any changes, at the bottom of the page, select Apply modifications.

This is document bbvy in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-17 12:11:17.