Changes to IU List from the One Mail initiative

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Indiana University will be transitioning to a single email domain,, between now and the end of 2025. For more about the transition, see One Mail. For general actions you may need to take, see Prepare for One Mail at IU.

Most IU List subscribers will likely see minimal or no impact to IU List from this initiative, but if you post to discussion lists or use self-service features, or if you own or moderate any lists, see below for details about what will change.

For owners and moderators

  • If you own lists on any campus-specific domains, you can rename them at any time in 2024. You can coordinate the best time to migrate your list(s) with your community of subscribers; be sure to let subscribers know when they should begin to use the new list address. For instructions, see Rename an IU List mailing list. If you take no action, your lists will be administratively migrated; see the One Mail project timeline.
  • If you use email commands to perform actions such as adding and removing subscribers or moderating messages, the email addresses you use will also change to use as the email domain when each list is renamed.
  • If you use the web interface to make changes to the subscriber list or list settings, you'll use instead of the campus-specific webpage for each list as it's renamed.
  • Subscription addresses will need to be updated from to, where applicable. Ideally, this would happen at the same time as each person's primary email address changes in order to allow them to continue to participate in discussion lists. For subscribers whose primary email address is or was their campus domain address, UITS is administratively changing IU List subscriptions concurrently with the primary email address according to the timeline in Prepare for One Mail at IU.

    However, some subscribers may have already changed their primary email address to without updating their IU List subscriptions, and these subscriptions will need to be updated manually, either by the subscribers or the list owner.

    • If you wish to update subscribers' addresses yourself, from the list of subscribers in the list web interface, select a subscriber's email address, and then on the "Subscriber information" page, edit their email address in the box. Then choose Apply modifications.
    • If you wish to send a message to your subscribers inviting them to update their subscription themselves, you may refer them to the instructions in After changing your IU email address, update IU List mailing lists that you subscribe to or sponsor.
    If your email list is used only for announcements, you may update all campus-specific subscription addresses immediately if you wish. For discussion lists, you may want to wait until after UITS has completed all primary email address changes.

For subscribers

The One Mail project may impact you in the following ways:

  • If you're subscribed to mailing lists with your campus domain address, the subscription and your primary email address will need to change to your address, preferably at the same time. You can wait for UITS to make this change for you, or manage the timing yourself. For details, see Prepare for One Mail at IU.
    If you previously changed your primary email address without updating your IU List subscriptions, your subscription address will need to be updated manually, either by you or by the list owner. To update your subscriptions yourself, see After changing your IU email address, update IU List mailing lists that you subscribe to or sponsor.
  • The address you use to post to discussion lists will change from to The timing of this change may vary from list to list; watch for communication from the list owner for when to begin using the new address.
  • If you use email commands to perform actions such as subscribing, unsubscribing, or changing your subscription settings, the email addresses you use will also change to use as the email domain when each list is renamed.
  • If you use the web interface to make changes such as subscribing, unsubscribing, or changing your subscription settings, you'll begin using instead of the campus-specific webpage for each list as it's renamed.

This is document bisy in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-05-28 12:30:47.