Restrict who can send to your IU List mailing list

Indiana University will be transitioning to a single email domain,, between now and the end of 2025. For more about the transition, see One Mail. For details about the impact to IU List specifically, see Changes to IU List from the One Mail initiative. For general actions you may need to take, see Prepare for One Mail at IU.
Only list owners can perform the actions described below.
  1. Log into the campus IU List website for your list:
    Campus IU List web interface
    IU Bloomington
    IU Indianapolis
    IU Columbus
    IU East
    IU Kokomo
    IU Northwest
    IU South Bend
    IU Southeast
  2. Select My lists, and choose the name of a list.

  3. Under "List Configuration", select Change who can post to this list.
  4. Under "Who can send messages", choose the desired option from the drop-down menu, and then, at the bottom, select Apply modifications. Options are as follows:
    • Closed: Use this to prevent mail to the list, and put it on hiatus. If the list is for a seasonal event or recurring yearly item, this is an excellent choice to stop any spam from coming through the list in the interim. This does not close or remove the list in any way; it simply stops new messages from being sent.
    • Restricted to subscribers, messages from others are discarded: Messages from non-subscribers are silently discarded.
    • Moderated: All mailings are moderated, except those from moderators. No restrictions are made on who can send to the list. If your list has this setting and you do not want subscribers to be moderated, you may want to consider a Private or Hybrid send option instead (see below).
    • Public Confirm All mailings are moderated, except those from moderators. No restrictions are made on who can send to the list.
    • Public User Confirm: Similar to Public Confirm, but the user must also confirm the message before the moderator receives it.
    • Moderated, even for moderators: All mailings are moderated, including those from moderators. No restrictions are made on who can send to the list.
    • Hybrid: All subscribers and all IU email addresses may post to the list, but messages from non-subscribers are moderated.
    • IU addresses only, no confirmation or moderation: Only addresses in IU educational domains (, or can send to the list. No other confirmation or moderation is required.
    • Newsletter, restricted to moderators: Only moderators can send to the list (owners must also be moderators to send). This is useful for large lists that make department-wide announcements or news lists that provide a summary of weekly events.
    • Newsletter or Announcement: Only moderators or owners can send to the list (owners do not need to be moderators).
    • Newsletter, restricted to moderators after confirmation: Only moderators can send to the list (owners must also be moderators to send). Moderators need to confirm messages to prevent spoofing of the moderator's address.
    • Restricted to list owners only: Only owners may send; no confirmation is required.
    • Restricted to list owners with authentication: Only owners may send, and owners must confirm their messages to prevent address spoofing.
    • Restricted to subscribers: Only subscribers can send, but no mailings are moderated. This is a common setting for discussion lists.
    • Moderated, restricted to subscribers: As above, but all mailings are moderated by the moderators (editors) or the list owner(s), if there are no moderators. Senders must confirm mailings before they go to moderators for approval; once the mailing is approved, it goes out to the list.
    • Private Moderated, No Confirm: Postings are restricted to subscribers and moderated, but no confirmation is required from the sender.
    • Restricted to subscribers with authentication: Only subscribers can send, and no mailings are moderated, but IU List will send email back to the author of each message, to confirm the sender's identity and that the sender meant to submit a message to the list.
    • Private, moderated for non subscribers: Subscribers may post freely, but messages from others are moderated.
    • Private, confirmation for non subscribers: Subscribers may post freely, but messages from others require the sender to confirm the message before distribution.
    • Allow all Regenstrief addresses, and all subscribers, but moderate others: Intended for lists in the domain; all subscribers and anyone with a email address may post freely, and all other messages are moderated.
    • Regenstrief addresses only, no moderation or confirmation: Intended for lists in the domain; only Regenstrief email addresses may post, whether they are subscribed to the list or not.
    If you choose a moderated option, but your list has no moderator, the list owner(s) will have that responsibility. To add a moderator to your list, see Add or remove an owner or moderator on an IU List mailing list.

This is document bbwj in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-09 09:53:07.